چهارشنبه 17 بهمن 1403


آموزش گام به گام مدل سازی معماری
قسمت دوم آموزش

تاریخ ایجاد   چهارشنبه 23 آذر 1390  تعدادمشاهده  4480 بازگشت

Objects not so close to camera

We are going to make some objects that actually exist in the scene, but don’t need such amount of details, i.e. railings, huge umbrellas, lounge chair and so on. They don’t even need to be physically exact. First of all we need to draw lines for railings. After adjusting the position, use Rebuild command to rebuild curves. You are not going to need more than 10 points.

WIP picture

Type Pipe command, use radius 25mm, but do not use any cap. Then rebuild the new pipe with app. 50 by 6 new points and hit Enter.

WIP picture

Now you need to mesh the railing. The best settings are up to your experiences, I recommend to play with Min and Max edge length. Values should be somewhere between 10-20mm.

Huge umbrellas

First of all we need to make umbrella canvas. This will be done by Lofting two shapes – small circle and big square. Square side is 4000x4000mm, circle radius 250mm. After Lofting these two shapes we need to rebuild created surface by 6 by 20 control points, so you will get something like you can see on the picture.

WIP picture

Let’s make some new railings. Use command DupEdge to duplicate edge of the canvas – this is the curve we need to make pipe around. So make Pipe and then Rebuild it with 100 by 6 control points.

Offset the curve that was duplicated from the edge. This is going to be a construction taht will hold the whole canvas. Make some lines between these two parts, so you will get result like this:

WIP picture

Turn those new lines into pipes with smaller radius than the construction pipes, so you get thmodel like this:

WIP picture

Now model the top part of the stander and the ropes holding the whole construction:

WIP picture

and render should now look like this:

WIP picture

another Top view:

WIP picture

If you have any questions about umbrellas modeling, don’t worry to ask – there is a Comment session below the article :)

Exterior changing cabins

This part of the scene is going to be very simple, because we will see only a little part of it in final composition. Model simple box with two wall behind it:

WIP picture

Adjust the design a little bit. This is supposed to be building built up in 80′s, so there is no needed great design for it. Old unstylish communist look will be just perfect. [something like this:]

WIP picture

I’m starting to feel the atmosphere:)

WIP picture

Our final render has setted camera from the very beginning, so we can check the influences of every little part anytime. Here you can see the new changing cabins:

WIP picture

The “gros” of the upper part is done. But you can feel that it is a bit empty down there in the scene. We need to make some deck chairs for sun bathing. I am going to use deck chair I modeled and already shared for you. You can downoad it here.

I improved it by adding a detail – fallen towel. Towel was modeled inside Rhinoceros using T-splines. Here you can see NURBS towel network:

WIP picture

Here Iconverted it into Mesh again, to keep my space requirements down. If you made your towel in plain Rhino or in Tsplines, you can continue by doing the same as I do now. Convert towel into Mesh – Min and Max values for mesh edge are 20 and 30 mm, keep distance at 0.5 ratio.

WIP picture

And here you can see rendering of the deck chair with towel:

WIP picture

Overall screen grab of composition is now in this point:

WIP picture

Okay. This is end of part two. If you have any questions, don’t worry to ask in comments below the article!

Have a nice day.

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خیر نیازی به مسیر نیست موقعی مسیر لازم دارین که بخواین sweep2rail بزنین اما برای لافت فقط کافیه که خطوط رو انتخاب کنین و دستور رو اجرا کنین . لافت خیلی سادس و مشکلی نباید داشته باشین .
یک بار چک کنین ببینین خط هایی که کشیدین مشکلی دارن یا نه ؟ اول با 2 دایره ساده تست کنین ببینین اصلا لافن درست کار میکنه یا نه بعد curve های خودتونو تست کنین .

با سلام و تشکر از اموزش عالی تون...لطف می کنید بخش لافت کردن سایبان را 2 باره توضیح دهید من عمل لافت را نمی تونم انجام بدم ..باید مسیر تعریف کنیم بجز دایره وسطی و مربع بیرونی؟
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